.....and Ella makes three

.....and Ella makes three

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Is she sleeping? Nope.

So the past few days have been a bit tough in the sleep department for Ella. She has mastered rolling from back to belly, but can't get back over (which is frustrating since the rolled from belly to back months ago and it was back to belly that she couldn't do). So, we think she is sleeping after 20 min of quiet when all of a sudden she lets out a huge cry. Turns out, she's stuck on her belly. She's so tired that she can't hold her head up, nor can she roll back over, so she cries. We flip her back to her back, but then 5 minutes later we start all over again. Last night we did this for 3.5 hours!!! When I went in to check on her this morning, she was sleeping on her belly so she must have gotten so tired last night when she rolled that she just stayed there. It seems that each time we put her down now we are playing this game of flipping her over until she finally falls asleep. I don't know what I can do to help her realize that she can just roll herself back over, since she has done this several times before. I put her on her belly quite a bit during the day to get her to "practice" rolling to her back, but she doesn't do it. I have a feeling we are in for a few rough weeks.

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