.....and Ella makes three

.....and Ella makes three

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This was a rough week in the Grabski house

Where to start.....I guess that would be when Ella threw up Wed morning after taking her bottle. I was at work already and got that lovely news via text message from my husband (who when asked to clarify said she spit up, not threw up, so I thought she was fine). He cleaned her up and stripped the sheets off our bed (of course she was in our bed when she did that) and left her with Grandma for the day as usual. About 2 hours later, Grandma sent a text message that Ella threw up her breakfast. Time to admit she was sick. She threw up all day Wed, not keeping anything down until about 8pm that night when she kept down 4 crackers and 10 cheerios. Grandma came over and watched her on Thurs, we kept her on a toast and cheerios diet, and she kept everything down so we thought she was on the rebound. We were wrong.....around 7:30 Thurs night I checked on her as I was headed to the gym. I walked in and all I could smell was puke, she had thrown up all over her crib, herself and her stuffed animals. We woke her up, stripped her down, stripped down the crib, threw away her favorite monkey and tried to get her back to bed. We went through every single pair of pajamas and all her crib sheets in 2 days.

While this is all going on, we get word that my pregnant sister-in-law was in the hospital with dehydration and contractions. She is not due until 12/22, so that was of course cause for worry. She was released after a few days, but is now on bed rest. We are so happy that she and our neice are ok.

Then, to top off the week....I was playing on the floor with Ella over my lunch hour on Friday, and when I stood up to go back to work, I felt a snap in my knee followed by the inability to put any weight on it or walk. The doctor told me I only dislocated my knee cap and I should rest over the weekend. Rest over the weekend, really? That is the only time I have to clean, do laundry and of course play with Ella. My husband has been amazing all weekend, but it is so hard not to be able to pick Ella up and play on the floor with her. She has been sitting in my lap and reading books more than usual, so I think that she realizes I can't move. I feel so old! I was doing the smallest movement and hurt myself. I have been laid up all weekend with my leg up and icing it, not able to walk. This sucks.

Oh, and it's snowing today. First snow of the year. Yuck.